Designing UX Workshops




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Do you want to design and run workshops that are energetic, encourage sharing and promote innovative thinking?

Whether it is a co-creation session with your customers or a product development meeting with internal teams, collaborative workshops are a creative and efficient way to gain insights and generate new ideas.  

A workshop may be a simple idea, but when not planned or designed effectively it can descend into a frustrating and unproductive experience.

In this 1 day session, we will show you how to plan, design, and run effective workshops. We will share strategies on how to encourage collaboration and idea generation, and we will teach you different workshop activities you can use to achieve the results you want.

Chose this course if you are you interested in...

  • Learning how to disseminate research findings in a more engaging and collaborative manner
  • Exploring design challenges through workshops to come up with effective solutions
  • Bringing teams together to share knowledge and generate ideas
  • Engaging stakeholders and keeping key groups of people at the centre of the design process
  • Collecting feedback and insights from customers through workshop activities
  • Gaining confidence in running and leading collaborative workshops

What will you learn?

1. A framework for workshop design: How to plan and run effective workshops, including defining goals, writing effect agendas, and assigning roles and responsibilities.

2. Facilitation techniques for workshops: How to encourage collaboration and trust, stimulate conversations, and get ideas flowing.

3. Designing and leading workshop activities: How to choose appropriate activities and techniques to achieve your goals, and how best to introduce those activities. We will bring you through a variety of techniques used in different workshop scenarios, such as:

a. Research debriefing

b. Sharing knowledge

c. Strategy development

d. Idea generation and brainstorming

4. Maintaining balance and flow: How to keep energy of the session going and keep the workshop on track.

5. Resolving conflict: How to resolve conflicts and deal with tensions within groups.

6. Concluding workshop. How to wrap up and communicate insights.

This is a very practical, hands-on session which will itself be conducted in a workshop style. You will have the opportunity to plan and run a workshop, and experience a variety of workshop activities. You will walk away with new ideas and a framework for running collaborative workshops that you can apply immediately.


£490 + VAT

Cancellation policy

The following cancellation policy applies to all bookings made:30 days or more before training - full refund or attend a future course date

  • 15-29 days prior to training - 50% refund
  • 7-14 days prior to training - 25% refund
  • 6 days or less prior to training - no refund

You are most welcome to send a substitute for the originally booked delegate at any time by notifying us of their details. User Vision reserves the right to cancel all or parts of the course if an insufficient number of people register for the course.

Your trainers

About Stephen Denning

Stephen Denning is Director of User Experience at User Vision, where he leads the team of consultants supporting organisations around the globe to put user insight at the centre of product and service design. He has been around the technology industry for over 20 years and in that time, has had the opportunity to work with governments, banks, airlines, hotel groups, mobile networks, global retail sites and even a supercar manufacturer! Over the years, Stephen has delivered training to universities, companies and the general public, and has presented at local, national, and international conferences.

Specialisms and interests:  User research methodologies,  interaction design principles, eye-tracking, prototyping and UX strategy.

Course Access

You will receive an online link to access the course in the coming days.

Looking for training for you or your team? Talk to us. Get in touch